Each trimester entails a specific massage routine following the pregnancy necessities. In the 1st trimester, the massage techniques are more gentle and work to increase vitality and energy. The 2nd trimester includes bedside work to produce vitality and energy. Specific strokes are added to prevent or treat any physical discomfort, such as hip or sciatic pain. Techniques also used aide in maintaining the muscles and ligaments, keeping them relaxed and strong to ensure the baby stays at an optimal position for the birth. In the 3rd trimester, we add Marma Therapy (pressure points) and include all the 1st and 2nd-trimester goals. This combination consists of the primary energy (meridians) to implement total balance and prepare the mind, body, and soul for birth. The 4th trimester also known as the postpartum period techniques used, goes back to vitality and comfort and gives extra help for your body to drain the excess of fluids accumulated during the pregnancy and aid towards quick recovery and health.
Specific Prenatal Massage Eligible Requests Are Available